January 22, 2025


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DOCUMENT #2001RO085209

Reprint — September 2008

Wonder View Improvement Association, Inc. By Laws











Wonder View Improvement Association

  1. To encourage the spirit of good fellowship among residents of Wonder View Subdivision Unit No. 1, Wonder Lake, IL.
  2. To foster social activities.
  3. To develop and maintain the physical properties and facilities of Wonder View Subdivision Unit No. 1
  4. To maintain health and sanitary standards and regulations.
  5. To cooperate with public authorities in the development and maintenance of natural resources.

Wonder View Improvement Association
MAY 15, 1988

A Resolution was passed on May 15, 1988 and recorded in the McHenry County Recorder of Deeds Office in Woodstock, Illinois on June 22, 1988 as Document #88RO18411 to require membership in the Wonder View Improvement Property Owners Association of every property owner in Wonder View Subdivision Unit No. 1

This Resolution also expanded the powers of the Association to enforce the payment of dues. This may include the filing of suit in court against individuals who refuse to pay dues or to apply a claim for lien against the property owner.

Section I – Name

The name of this not-for-profit property owners‘ Corporation shall be the Wonder View Improvement Association Incorporated. This Corporation (referred to hereinafter as “the Association” is chartered under the Act of the General Assembly of the state of Illinois, approved the 21st of June 1955.

Section 2 – Location/Office

The Association office is located at 2618 Walnut Drive (P.0. Box 4), Wonder lake, IL 60097

Section 3 – Code/Source

This Constitution and the BY-LAWS together shall be taken and applied as the code of rules adopted for regulation and management of the affairs of the Association. (Section I (E) and 9 of the Statute).

Section 4 – Purpose

The purpose of this Association is as defined in its Charter A-E.

A. To encourage the spirit of good fellowship among residents of Wonder View Subdivision Unit No. 1, Wonder Lake, IL
B. To foster social activities.
C. To develop and maintain the physical properties and facilities of the Wonder View Subdivision.
D. To maintain health and sanitary standards and regulations.
E. To cooperate with public authorities in the development and maintenance of natural resources.

Section 5- Term

Wonder View Unit 1, as used herein, shall be considered as consisting of:

All of Wonder View Unit 1 in both McHenry and Greenwood Township as described in the Plat Thereof Recorded March, 1952 as Document #251543 in Book 11 of Plats, Pages 44-45 and 50 in McHenry County, Woodstock, Illinois.

Section 6 – Restricted Use

Use of the Association facilities shall be reserved to members, their immediate family, or others at the “discretion of the Board.”

Section 7 – Restricted Dedication of Association Property

No roads, parks. or properties owned by the Association shall be dedicated to any local government except with the express consent of two-thirds of the voting membership.

Section 8 – Amendments

These BY-LAWS may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the members, or any adjourned session thereof, by a majority of two-thirds of the total vote cast. No proposed amendment shall be in order at any meeting unless the mailed notice thereof contained a brief statement of the substance of such amendment.

(Any ten separate property owners in good standing can, upon proper presentation to the Board of Directors, require said Board to include any proposed amendment to the BY-LAWS in the regular notice of the Annual Meeting and require a vote to be taken at the Regular Annual Meeting.)


All other rights and powers of the Corporation and of its members, officers and directors shall be governed by the Illinois Statute known as the “General Not for Profit Act” (L. 1943; Vol. 1, P.481), thereto.


Section I – Membership/Vote

Membership in the Association is required of property owners of Wonder View Unit I according to the balloting completed May 19,1988 and the subsequent change in the BY-LAWS recorded at the McHenry County Recorder of Deeds office in Woodstock, Illinois on June 22, 1988 as Document # 88R018411.

Property owners are Persons who are legal owners of lots in Wonder View Unit #1 as per Article I – Sec. 5.

For voting purposes, each lot shall be considered to have one vote, except for half lots which shall be entitled to one half vote or lot divided up to 30/70 proportion, contiguous to a parcel.

Section 2 Acquiring Property (Dues)

Upon acquiring the property and upon payment of dues and/or assessment due thereto, the owner will be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of the membership. The owners will be the persons that pay the property taxes.

Section 3 Multiple Owners

In case of joint ownership, ownership in trust or through a business entity, voting rights of membership shall be delegated to only one of said owners or owner in trust.

Section 4 Failure to Pay Dues/Assessments

Failure to pay the dues or assessments will be cause for lien to be placed upon the property and the denial of all rights and privileges of membership in the Association and may cause suit to be filed against the delinquent owner.


Section I – Term of Office

A Term of Office shall be three (3) years. There will be no limitation on the number of consecutive terms.

President, Recording Secretary and One Trustee shall be elected on years evenly divisible by three, beginning in 1990.

The following year the Vice President, Treasurer and other Trustee shall be elected. The third year the remaining Trustee position shall be filled.

The fourth year restarts the cycle.

Section 2 – Officers

The Officers shall be elected at an Annual Meeting of the Association by a plurality of the members attending such meeting.

Section 3 – More Than One Nomination

If there is more than one nomination for any Officer or Director, a written ballot shall be taken, the Nominating Committee, (or three tellers appointed from the floor) is to take charge of such balloting and to report the results thereof to the presiding Officer.

Section 4 – Qualifications

Persons wishing to serve on the Board of Directors must be a member in the Association in good standing, for one (1) year prior to serving.


Section I – Board/Trustees

The Officers of the Association shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer, and three Trustees. They constitute the governing body of the Association, which shall be hereafter known as the Board of Directors.

Section 2 – Officer Or Director Unable To Serve

1. President
Should the President be unable to serve for any reason whatsoever, the Vice President shall then become the President. Any other Officer or Director shall be replaced by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

2. Disqualification – Dues
Any lapse in payment of dues or assessments automatically disqualifies any Officer or Director. Replacement of such Officer or Director will be by majority vote of the Board.

3. Disqualification – Attendance
Any Officer or Trustee not in attendance at three consecutive Board Meetings shall be disqualified from office. Replacement of such Officer or Trustee will be by majority vote of the Board of Directors.

4. Resignation or Death
In the event of resignation or death of individual Officer or Trustee the Board may appoint members to fill the vacancy until the next Annual election. Said elected Officer or Trustee shall fulfill the remainder of the unexpired term.

Section 3 – Bonding

The Treasurer shall be bonded for $5,000.00 by a reliable bonding Company and the cost thereof paid by the Association.


SECTION I – Standing

The following Committees, each headed by a Commissioner may be appointed by the President and approved by the Board. At least one member of each committee shall be a member of the governing body of the Association.

1 Committee on Parks
2 Committee on Association Property and Buildings.
3 Committee on Abandoned Properties.

Section 2 – Audit

An audit may be ordered by the president at any time, and must, if ordered, be made for the twelve-month period ending May 31st. The president, at the Board’s discretion, may order a compilation of the books instead of an audit.

Section 3 – Nominations

Nominations may be made from-the floor at any Annual Meeting by any member in good standing.

Section 4 – Temporary

The Board of Directors, from time to time, in its discretion may establish temporary committees from among its own number or they may confer powers on these committees.
The Board of Directors may also, in their discretion, terminate these committees and its powers.


Section 1 – President

The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board or Governing Body, appoint all committees and shall perform such duties as usually pertain to the office of President. He/she shall be ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 2 – Vice President

The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, carry out the duties of the President. The Vice President will also, upon the direction of the President, assist the President In the performance of his/her duties.

Section 3 – Recording Secretary

  1. Shall keep the minutes of all Association Meetings (regular and special), meetings of the Board of Directors, special Executive meetings and the Annual Meeting of the property owners and any other special meetings that might be called.
  2. Shall handle correspondence and issue notices of that which does not pertain to dues notices and fees.
  3. Shall call the roll and keep a directory of Board Members.
  4. Shall keep records of all contracts, deeds, taxes and letters.
  5. Shall keep one book in which the By-Laws, rules of order and standing rules should all be written leaving every other page blank for recording amendments.
  6. Shall do such other duties as pertain to the Office of the Recording Secretary or as assigned by the President.
  7. Shall notify all Officers and Directors of any meeting, a proper notice determined by the Board at least ten days prior to said meeting.
  8. Shall keep the records of the Rules and Regulations and issue same when required.
  9. Shall attest to contracts.
  10. Shall be the keeper of the Official Association seal.

Section 4 – Treasurer

  1. Shall receive receipts of all monies collected and shall disburse all monies approved by the Board.
  2. Shall issue and sign all checks and have them countersigned by the President or as the Board of Directors may direct
  3. Shall keep an account of all monies received and disbursed.
  4. Shall make a financial report at all Board of Directors regular meetings and any other as may he requested by the President from time to time.
  5. Shall make a written financial report for each member attending the current Annual Meeting or any special membership meeting as may be required.
  6. Shall send out bills and notices of dues and/or assessments and fees that are payable.
  7. Shall be the recipient of such dues and all monies from other sources.
  8. Shall issue suitable receipts and notices.
  9. Shall place all liens and removal thereof, or assign such duty to another board member.
  10. Shall keep proper books of accounting on dues and assessments (paid and due and/or past due).
  11. Shall deposit all monies in a suitable bank or trust company approved by the Board of Directors.
  12. Shall issue all receipts of deposit and vouchers (signed by same) for all bills approved for payment by the Board of Directors to the Treasurer.
  13. Shall transact the required bonding.

Section 5 – Board of Directors

  1. Shall have general charge of the affairs, funds and property of the Association, have the power and the duty to carry out the purposes of the Association according to the legal Agreement providing for the creation of the Association.
  2. Shall direct and manage the activities and business of the Association.
  3. Shall approve all expenditures and contracts. All contracts must be signed by the President and attested to by the Recording Secretary.
  4. Shall make rules and regulations controlling the use and enjoyment of the property owned by the Association.
  5. Shall employ and compensate from Association funds, those employees required to provide service required by the Association.
  6. Shall have power to recommend to the members changes in the BY-LAWS, dues, assessments, compensation of officers, and directors.
  7. Shall approve assessments and/or all appointments made by the President.


Section 1 – Regular (Board of Directors)

  1. Time – The regular meetings of the governing body of the Association shall be determined by that body.
  2. Location – These meetings shall be held at the Association House, 2618 Walnut Drive, Wonder Lake, IL.
  3. Change – However, at any such meeting, the place and time of the next meeting may be determined by the majority of those present. If so – a notice must be posted at a conspicuous location.
  4. Vote – Each member of the Board shall have one vote.
  5. Quorum – Five (5) voting members shall constitute a quorum.
  6. Special Meeting of the Board of Directors – May be called by any three (3) members of the Board or by the President at any time. The purpose of the meeting must be made clear with advance notice. Only subjects mentioned in the notice or matters clearly germane to those subjects will be considered.

Section 2 – Special Meeting of Membership

  1. A special meeting of the membership may be called at any time by a majority of the Directors and Officers, voting individually, or by one- fifth (1/5) of the members of the Association in good standing.
  2. The purpose of the meeting must be made clear by means of ten (10) days advance notice, sent to each and all members in good standing.
  3. Only subjects mentioned in advance notice or matters clearly germane to those subjects will be considered at the Special Meeting.
  4. Quorum – Those present including at least two (2) Officers shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3 – Regular Semi-Annual Meetings

  1. Time – The Semi-Annual Meetings of the members of the Association shall be held in March and October.
  2. Location and Hour – The meetings will be held at the Association House and the hour shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
  3. Notice – Notice of such meetings shall be mailed to all members at least ten (10) days before the date of the Meeting, by the Recording Secretary.
  4. Quorum 2 (Simple Majority) – Those present including at least two (2) Officers shall constitute a quorum.
  5. Purpose – The election of Officers and Directors shall be held and reports of Officers and Committees presented.
  6. Reports – Reports of the Recording Secretary and Treasurer shall be in writing.
  7. Order of Business – The following order of business shall prevail at any Meeting: Call to Order, Roll Call of Officers, Opening, Reading of Minutes, Report of Treasurer, Communications, Bills, Reports of Officers and Committees and Unfinished Business.
  8. Robert’s Rules of Order – Shall apply in all instances where these By-Laws do not specifically apply.
  9. Proxy Vote – Proxy Votes are not accepted. All absentee ballots must be sealed and not opened until the counting of the vote on any issue.
  10. Assessments – A general assessment for extraordinary purposes may be levied on the membership by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a Semi-Annual Meeting or any special meeting called for the purpose, provided notice of such assessment is specified in the call for meeting.
  11. Vote – Each lot shall be considered to have one (1) vote and each half lot or lot divided up to 30/70 proportion contiguous shall be considered to have one half (1/2) vote.
  12. Subjects Requiring Two-Thirds (2/3) of total vote cast by members in good standing:
    Changing By-laws
    Changing Amount of Dues
    New Assessments
    Selling or disposing of Association owned land


Section I – Fiscal Year

The fiscal year shall be from June 1st through and including May 31st.

Section 2 — Revoking Rights

Any member in arrears for dues for one or more quarters shall not be entitled to vote or hold any elective office in the Association. All rights and privileges enjoyed by such membership shall be revoked and canceled. The member in arrears may, however, regain his or her original standing in full by the complete payment of all dues and assessments.

Section 3 – Establishment of Dues and Assessments

Annual dues and assessments shall be approved by the members at an Annual or Special Meeting and shall be payable in the manner thereof stipulated.

Section 4 – Status of Property

For the purpose of determining whether property is vacant or not the status of the property at the beginning of the Association fiscal year shall control.

Section 5 – Dues – Billed By and Time

1. Billed by: All dues will be mailed on or before March 1st each year and be payable no later than May 31st of the same year. Special Assessments will be due and payable within ninety days after receiving notice of the assessment.

Section 6 – Dues – Amount

The regular membership dues of the Association shall be payable in one lump sum during the first quarter of each fiscal year, as follows;

  1. $25.00 per year for each lot containing thereon a structure, either year round or seasonal, suitable for use as a dwelling and
  2. $25.00 per year for each lot containing thereon, a structure which is used for a business, and
  3. $10.00 per year for each additional lot contiguous to an improved parcel and belonging to the same member of the Association, and
  4. $5.00 per year for each additional half lot or lot divided up to 30/70 proportion contiguous to a parcel, belonging to the same member of the Association, and/or
  5. $25.00 per year for each vacant lot.

Section 7 – Delinquent

Failure to pay the dues or assessments will be cause for suspension of all rights and privileges of membership in the Association. Accounts delinquent for more than 150 days will be turned over to the Association attorney for collection. Any fees incurred by such action will be the responsibility of the delinquent property owner.


Section 1. The Recording Secretary shall receive an annual compensation of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) per year payable May 31st. for the previous year.

Section 2. The Treasurer shall receive an annual compensation of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350.00) per Year payable May 31st. for the previous year.


Lot owners hereafter agree to become a member of the Wonder View Parks Association and agree to have the boat launch and lake access governed by the By-Laws of the Parks Association.

The Parks Association shall in turn guarantee lake access to every member of the Wonder View Improvement Association in good standing, maintain and improve the boat launch and lake lot and provide a certificate of insurance to the Association.

Funding for the Parks Association shall be in part paid for out of subdivision dues allotted for that purpose and by Wonder View Units 1 and 2 as stipulated in the formula agreed upon in the By-Laws of the Parks Association.

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