January 22, 2025

2022 Fall Newsletter


P.O. Box 4 – 2618 Walnut Dr.  Wonder Lake, IL 60097


Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 10 am

     www.wonderviewhoa.org                         www.facebook.com/groups/wonderviewhoa


Each position on our Board of Directors is a three-year term.  The only requirement is that you need to be a homeowner in Wonderview Unit#1 for one year in order to be on the board.

This meeting we’ll be voting for the positions of one Trustee and we’re still in need of someone to fill the Treasurer’s positionThe candidate for treasurer must have either an accounting background or be familiar with Quick Books.  It’s time we give Virginia her much-deserved retirement. 


Keep our parks safe for our children.  Please report any vandalism to any Board member.  For safety and insurance purposes, tackle football is not allowed on park property.  ANY rough playing will be done at your own risk.  Please remember to take your trash home with you.


Please visit our website for current information regarding Park’s Board regulations, slip rentals and annual ramp-key purchases,


Q: Does the Open Burning Ordinance allow the burning of garbage, rubbish or trash?
     A: Burning of garbage, rubbish or trash is prohibited throughout all of McHenry County.

Q: What are some of the restrictions included in the Ordinance?
     A: All landscape waste must be generated onsite.

No burning may take place within 100 feet of a habitable structure or within 50 feet of a non-habitable structure. Supervised burning of dry landscape waste may be conducted between dawn and dusk on Saturday or Sunday during the months of April, May, October and November.

Water or a fire control source is required; winds must be less than 10 mph and smoke may not create a visibility hazard.

Q: Are campfires allowed?
     A: YES. The Ordinance allows for recreational fires provided they are no larger than 3’ x 3’ x 3’ and exclude leaves, grass or shrubbery clippings or cuttings.

Q: Do the open burning setback requirements apply to domestic fireplaces, external fireplaces or grills, or self-contained outdoor wood-burning devices?
     A: No. Provided these units are operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and are not used to dispose of leaves, grass, shrubbery clippings, cuttings, garbage, rubbish or trash.

Q: Where can I get more information regarding the Open Burning Ordinance?
     A: Visit the McHenry County Department of Health’s web page at www.mcdh.info or contact the Department at (815) 334-4585.

SELLING YOUR PROPERTY?     See our website for details.

If you are selling your property, you’ll need an assessment letter. Your letter will indicate the status of your dues at the time of closing.  Please have your lawyer email Virginia, treasurer@wonderviewhoa.org or Sue, secretary@wonderviewhoa.org  at least two weeks prior to your closing date.


If you’ve combined your lots into one PIN number, please let us know by mail (PO Box 4, Wonder Lake, IL 60097), or by email. Our recordkeeping is only as good as the information we receive.  Your correct PIN number will be on your tax bill.

Combining your lots will not affect, or change, your association dues.  Your dues are based on the number of lots you own.

A little-known fact, the association dues assessed on your property, are as collectible as your real estate taxes.  Liens are placed on delinquent properties throughout the year.

PLEASE NOTE: your homeowner’s dues are NOT included in your escrow.


Our community house is currently not available to rent due to several needed repairs.  Please check website for availability or, you may email any board member.  The email addresses are on the website. 


Homeowner’s board meetings are held at our Community House located at 2618 Walnut Drive.  We usually meet the second Tuesday of the month at 7 P.M.   Everyone is welcome to attend.

The Parks Board usually meets the first Thursday of the month, March– October, at 7 P.M.


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